The work in Africa to further God's kingdom is exciting... According to the Joshua Project: Nearly 1 billion people from 3,743 distinct people groups live on the continent of Africa within 57 countries; 930 of those people groups may never have heard the gospel; nearly 260 million individuals have not been told of Christ's salvation; 20 countries fall within the 10-40 window, containing some of the most unreached people groups on Earth.
While Heather and I do not have the proper education or background to be on the front lines planting churches, we are able to serve a need for those who are- Rift Valley Academy provides a quality American education for expatriate students whose parents are serving throughout Africa. Because Heather and I are serving as volunteers for Africa Inland Mission and must raise all our support, RVA is able to provide that quality education to missionary kids while charging relatively little tuition - enabling more funds and resources to be distributed to the front lines of the evangelical movement in Africa.
Cool Blog, guys! Don't forget that there's no such things as the "back lines" in ministry. You are indeed providing a much-needed service that will build up the Body and enable others to serve, and I'm excited for you guys. I wonder how many frequent flier miles we'd have to save up for two adult tickets to Kenya...