Merry Christmas from Kenya!

We just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, share some news from RVA and let you know what's coming next for us.  We've certainly been blessed this past year as Kijabe has felt more like home.  

The start of our second year has gone quickly.  The term certainly had some ups and downs:  we lost a staff member who was on home assignment in September to a brain aneurysm in September and a very close friend of Heather's suffered a late miscarriage in October.  Kenya has obviously been in the news for quite some time, and there were some tense weeks when we stayed close to campus.  Yet we have seen God providing for coworkers who were struggling to raise the support necessary to return to RVA, we've seen a student body draw near to each other through the joys and the sorrows, and we personally have felt the blessing of feeling more comfortable here at RVA. 

First grade has been wonderful for Faith.  She just loves to read, and really excels in math.  Joel continues to get ready for Kindergarten at home with Heather, and will soon turn five!  Aaron continues to grow a healthy amount, and soon will be on the move.  He is quite lively, so we will probably only get busier with our little guy!

Since about the time we first arrived here at RVA the question 'what's next?' has been almost constant... asked by others and by ourselves.  I suppose that piece was inevitable, when we moved here with our commitment to start with 'two years and then we'll see.'  We do desire to be useful to the Lord, and to RVA.  We've also learned that in the past, and even next year when RVA is likely going to be understaffed, it's not science teachers that RVA is generally desperate for.  We have enjoyed our time here, but also don't want to force a place for ourselves to stay.  There is a family or two coming within the next year that will also be joining the science department so we are feeling like we would like to remain only to help transition the program to the new staff, who are committed to stay long-term. At this time, we would like to be able to stay terms one and two of next year, to fill a position for a staff member who will be in the states during those two terms, concluding our service when his family returns.  This would put our return to the states in April of 2013, also giving us time to transition to the "next thing" as we have a home, job, and schooling for our children to consider.  We feel good about this plan, are prayerfully considering it, but need God to confirm these plans.

If you support us financially, could you please pray about this and let us know if you would be able to commit to these additional eight months of giving?  We realize that we originally let you know we were at RVA for 'two years to start with', so we don't feel that you have any obligation to continue to give to our ministry, so please know we won't be disappointed if you say no.  We do need to gain an accurate picture of whether it is financially feasible for us to remain at RVA for those additional months.  We are currently about $250/month short in donations, due to the increase of support for Faith in school full time and Aaron joining our family, so if you desire to increase your support or begin supporting us, we would appreciate that as well.  So, after your Christmas dinner is settled, your guests leave, and the wrapping paper is cleaned up, we'd love to hear from you.

It's hard to be away from home at this time of year.  Today we celebrated Christmas in Aberdare National Park.  The Aberdare mountain range is not too far from here and a place we've really enjoyed visiting:  green and quiet, with solitude, clean mountain air and clear, cold streams with rainbow trout.  It feels like home: familiar and comfortable.  We spent Christmas eve camping outside a small mountain hut and woke up to frost on the tent!  It was fun to spend Christmas as close to home as we can get here in Kenya.  But I've been thinking about home and the Christian life.  Too often our time here at RVA has been spent trying to feel more at home and more comfortable.  It's certainly not bad to feel that way, but sometimes I feel the misdirected goal of religion is comfort, some familiar thread we can return to or cling to wherever we are in life.  I've been convicted that clinging to the familiar and comfortable CAN stop growth, especially in our spiritual walk.  Please pray that we are able to seek Him first this year, focus less on our personal comfort and look forward to reaching our eternal home.

Thank you for your continued prayer, concern, and love for our family.  Life here is often full of decisions, risks, challenges, and stress, but it's also full of joys, rewards, fun kids, and beauty.  We are thankful to have strong ties to the states, and often long to connect with you all there again.  We praise God for not only his evident provision of finances, safety, and health, but also for the challenges, what we've learned through them, and how the Lord draws us near to him during those times.

We pray that you have a joyous Christmas, may His presence be real to you.

Many blessings and much love,
Jim & Heather
Faith, Joel and Aaron!

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