02 February 2009

Kenya in the News

A friend of mine sent a link to an article about Kenya from a Canadian news website, which spurred me on to find more for you to read.

So here's what she sent: it's about the hunger crisis and food shortage problems that are really hitting Kenya right now.


And another story I ran across: two accidental fires have recently affected areas of Kenya. The one in Narobi was in their version of Wal-Mart, called 'Nakumatt'. I (Heather) went to one while I was there in 2003, but there are multiple stores in the city, so I don't know exactly where it happened. The story about the fuel truck crash in the Rift Valley Province (a ways Northwest from Kijabe, where we will be living) sadly highlights the urgency that many Kenyans, and Africans, have when it comes to resources they need for survival. The first link is from a Ugandan news source, the second from the Associated Press.



Take a moment to pray for Kenya today.

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