She started complaining of some tummy troubles two weeks ago, but nothing seemed to come of it. A week later, on Sunday, we headed down to Death Valley National Park for Jim's spring break. Monday she wasn't feeling good-- to the point of screaming about her tummy pain. We took her to urgent care near the park, but didn't really get any answers. Tuesday, we started to realize what was wrong. She started with the runs (in Kenya, you would say she was "driving") and didn't stop. Thursday we decided to cut our trip short and make the 11 hour sprint back home. This was definitely her worst day, and it made us grateful for the choice we made to head home that day. It is scary to see a seriously dehydrated child: sunken dark eyes, lips so dry they are just flakes, and not much energy to stay awake. She threw up in the car all the way home, but before bed seemed to turn a tiny bit of the corner. We have slowly but surely gotten better.
As funny as it sounds, and as scary as it was for a bit, we are grateful that God tested our mettle last week instead of a year and a half from now. The kids will probably get sick in Kenya with some weird bugs, but we've seen at least a bit of how far a kid can go and come back again. Amidst the circumstances today of coping with a recovering child, I find myself praising God for this experience.
So without further ado, a few photos of our time in the wonderful warm weather!
The park is full of awesome canyons to explore
And we arrived during the wildflower season...
'Manly Beacon'--the geology of this park is incredible
A good moment for Faith...enjoying the view with Daddy
At an overlook
This is from a 5,000 ft elevation viewpoint: you can see the highest and lowest points in the park. Telescope Peak is 11,049 feet, Badwater Basin is -282 feet. Pretty incredible creation!
Another fun canyon
A good moment for Faith...enjoying the view with Daddy
At an overlook
This is from a 5,000 ft elevation viewpoint: you can see the highest and lowest points in the park. Telescope Peak is 11,049 feet, Badwater Basin is -282 feet. Pretty incredible creation!
Another fun canyon
This is what most of Faith's vacation looked like...poor girl
And Joel was in heaven: dirt, dirt and more dirt to dig!
Classic little boy...