10 June 2009

Don't judge a book by its cover...

This is a phrase that we are all familiar with. When the phrase is used in reference to people, I bet we can all think of a time we were reminded that it takes time to get to know someone and that first impressions are not necessarily fair. I was reminded of this just yesterday morning.

As I was leaving to go exercise with some other moms, a service man showed up that we had been expecting. He was a bit scruffy, long ponytail, flannel shirt, the works. Jim took him into the house and I went on my way. After almost two hours, I returned, a little surprised he was still at our house. Jim had quite a list of things to accomplish during the time he was supposed to have alone, to get ready for our presentation to our church that evening. So I got home, the kids were fussy and hungry, and I said something like "were you able to get anything done?" to Jim. I was feeling a little overwhelmed. This guy was supposed to get his work done and let Jim get his work done!

Jim came into the kitchen while I was making my lunch and said "I'm sorry I didn't get a lot of things done, but I had a really great conversation with Joe*." Turns out, he's a really neat guy. Sadly, his wife recently left him, taking their newborn. He is worried that she has severe postpartum depression and he is hurting for his family and life that has been turned upside down. Jim shared some of our story with him and prayed for him.

I was humbled by all that went on behind the scenes in my morning. Joe worked very hard to get things up and running for us again, he delighted in talking to Faith while she ate her lunch and watched him work, and he and Jim were given an opportunity to share each other's burdens. Wow. What an awesome reminder of God's plan for each of our days.
*Name changed for privacy reasons.

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